The region
Capestang, whose name comes from “caput stanio” “At the head of the pond”, is a charming medieval village in the Occitanie region. It is bordered by the Canal du Midi and is located in the heart of the Carcassonne, Béziers and Narbonne triangle, 25 km from the beaches, and in the heart of the Cathar country. HerSaint-Étienne collegiate church (in the name of the first martyr of Christianity) is a magnificent Gothic monument from the 13th century. A few steps from Capestang, you will find another beautiful example of Languedoc Romanesque art: the very prettySainte-Marie church at Forty.
Capestang is also:
The village square typical of the south of France, with its plane trees, its cafes and its market on Wednesday and Sunday mornings.
THEmedieval castle of the Archbishops of Narbonnedating from the 12th century, where we discover in an old room a magnificent decorated ceiling from the 15th century. It was restored in 2011.
THECanal du Midi: this exceptional work of art, designed by Pierre-Paul Riquet in the 17th century, is one of the oldest canals inEurope. It connects Toulouse at the Mediterranean Sea. Located in Béziers, theFonséranes locks are a set of eight contiguous locks, which constitute a major structure of this canal. Since 1996, it has been listed on the world heritage list of Unesco.
There are numerous natural sites in the region:
THEpanorama of Fontjunon the road from Béziers to Saint-Chinian offers a magnificent view of Mont Caroux. Legend says that Cebenna, daughter of the Titans, was condemned by the Gods of Olympus to be swallowed up by the mountain to which she gave its shape, Mount Caroux.
ThereClamouze Cave near Saint-Guilhem: very beautiful crystallizations, surprising with their white colors
THEOrb Gorges and theHérault Gorges : to be discovered during excursions in the hinterland.
THECircus of Mourèze near Clermont-l’Hérault: set of dolomitic rocks, very impressive, a Mediterranean colorado.
THEHéric Gorges : located in the Haut Languedoc Regional Park, 1 hour from Capestang, with pretty waterfalls and “swimming pools”.
THESoft Eye Chasmin the La Clape mountain in Saint-Pierre-la-Mer: splendid view of a natural chasm and the sea.
The famous "Lauriole road », near Minerve, 40 km from Capestang, thanks to an optical effect, seems to go up while it goes down. For To be able to see this optical illusion, you must stop at the bend, bring a bottle of water, and run it along the road.
For those curious about history:
The Oppidum of Ensérune , Gallo-Roman fortified village uncovered by archaeological excavations since 1915. Visit the museum and a site which offers a very beautiful view of the surrounding countryside: we discover the radiant plots of the ancientMontady pond, dried up in the 13th century.
Amphoralis, the Museum of Gallo-Roman Potters of Sallèles-d'Aude, near the Voie Domitienne, near the Aude and Narbonne, a place where the clay and water necessary for the manufacture of pottery are found , this workshop will operate for almost 3 centuries.
L'Horeum in Narbonne, a vast Roman warehouse made up of underground galleries.